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This Website Creates a space that makes online learning easier with a multitude of resources to choose from!
This page is about a resource called Khan Academy. This resource is  beneficial for students taking Algebra 1 and gives some examples of what tools are found there.
Khan Academy

How Do I Use This Site?

Above is a screen cast video that describes how to navigate this site as well as brief explanations and tutorials about using the other resources listed. The home page will be a general overview of the website with descriptions and links to other pages.
The Geogebra page is very similar to Khan Academy and explains the tool geogebra and how you can use it as a tool for Algebra. This tool is geared more towards graphing and interactive exercises.
 The next page is other resources. These websites do not have as many resources as Geogebra or Khan Academy but they still have really good information and have different ways of learning.
Other Resources
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